25 October 2010

I hate you and your demonic whims, technology.

Lat week, I learned I am going to become a published author with Silver Publishing! Yay!

This week, I decided to make the novel a series because the characters lend themselves to that. Yay!

Today, 31 pages and 25k words or so into the second book, my software decided it hates me and took all my 25k words and turned them into this:


Line after line of '#' for 10 pages. Unfortunately, my last restore point saved my progress. All 2 pages of it.

Pardon me while I go scream/ram my head through a cinder block wall/throw my laptop into a steaming pile of dog shit.


Anonymous said...

Oh god that's horrible. Try to think of it as a chance to do it better this time around?

Lindsay K. said...

Yes. It has improved. And I'm finally back where I was so all can go on schedule if I work in about 8k words tomorrow. LOL

Martin Cooper said...

Matchless topic